About McGuinn's Store
Mill Spring, NC

About Our Founder
Charles was born in Polk County in 1920, and grew up on a farm here with his parents and 11 other children. All of them went together to work in the fields to grow fruits and vegetables. In the fall of the year ,they stripped and cooked sorghum cane to make what we know as homemade molasses. After graduation in 1938, Charles began his first business adventure all the way across the mountain in downtown Asheville. Where he rented a booth in the old farmer’s market, and began selling produce. In spite of the hardships in world war II he was successful. With world war II ending his next business venture was back in his home community of Sunny View. He opened a retail store called Charles McGuinn Store. Charles believed in competition and keeping prices low so everyone could shop there. Charles’ vision statement was “your hometown store that saves you more ” this moto still sticks with the store today and in all the family members’ hearts. In the 50’s and 60’s he grew sweet potatoes, corn, watermelons, and apples. He also raised chickens, pigs, and cattle. During this time he began marketing “Charles Blue Ridge Mountain Brand Pure Raw Honey” and “Charles’ Blue Ridge Mountain Brand Molasses” to roadside sands, farmers markets and grocery stores. Charles was a simple man who needed so little to be happy, and he found joy in giving and helping those in need.